In addition to some early Christmas gifts, this was a big morning for Cameron, as he was to play the Joseph in the Nativity play at church. Cameron and Cody left early to help set up, while Gordon and I stayed behind to finish getting ourselves ready. Now, here's where things get interesting . . . Mind you, I had Cameron's Joseph costume at home and HAD to be at church in time for the play. . .
Before I recount the events of the next hour or so, here are some photos to "wet" your appetite . . .
A mass of soggy jewelery and make-up?
Drawers lined up against the wall?
A pile of sopping wet towels?
Wet blankets all over the kitchen floor?
Holes drilled in the ceiling?
What on earth could have happened here?!?!? Well, at the risk on revealing myself to be the biggest dummy around (or perhaps just confirming your already held opinion to this effect), here it goes . . . Before getting in the shower, I put a piece of clothing in the bathroom sink to rinse it out. I then turned on the shower. Now, here's where it gets hazy . . . I either forgot to turn off the water to the sink, or Gordon climbed up and turned it back on. (Cody thinks that I should go with the Gordon defense, and to my credit, a couple days later I did discover that Gordon had left a bathroom faucet running, so it is entirely possible that this was his doing.) Anyhow, I took a nice hot shower, but when I turned off the water, I heard water POURING all over the bathroom floor. The clothing had stopped up the sink, and water was running all over the counter and completely flooding the bathroom! All of the cabinet drawers on my side of the bathroom were FULL of water, with makeup, jewelry, and my blow dryer floating around in them. In a panic, I started pouring the water out of the drawers, using every towel I could find to mop up the floor, drying the cabinets, and trying to keep Gordon (who at this point was desperately trying to get me to peel an orange for him - sorry, not now, kiddo) from slipping in the water and cracking his head. As I began to get the bathroom situation under control, it occurred to me that I should check downstairs to see if any water had leaked though. As I made my way down the stairs, I heard water pouring into the kitchen. OH NO. Fortunately, there was no gaping hole in the ceiling, but water was flowing from the light fixture over the kitchen table, and also spurting from one of the recessed light and one of the vents. After several frantic phone calls to Cody, I finally reached him, and he started LAUGHING. To make a long story longer, he raced home from church to find that I had pretty much mopped up the mess, but water was still gushing from the light fixture. He proceeded to drill some holes in the ceiling to see if water was building up any place else, while I threw myself together (with no blow dryer and sopping wet make-up!), put Gordon in his Christmas sweater, and made it to church in time to give Cameron his Joseph costume. Cody stayed behind to make sure that the kitchen ceiling wasn't about to collapse, and made it in time to catch the last last half of the play.
Once the drama was over, and I began to see some humor in the situation . . . I thought about how I might be able to put this event to the "12 Days of Christmas" - 12 gallons of water, 11 holes in the ceiling, 10 different towels, 9 frantic phone calls . . .
The amazing thing, however, is that there was really no damage. Although, my bathroom sink is less than a foot from the doorway into our bedroom, all of the water flowed to the right, completely avoiding the bedroom carpet; nothing on or under the kitchen table or counters was ruined, not even my camera which was being splashed with water; and other than a few holes which need to be spackled and painted, the ceiling sustained no damage. Even my blow dryer and the light fixture still work! Thank goodness for Christmas miracles!
And, alas, Cameron did a fantastic job playing Joseph, and we had a great time on the Polar Express!