These photos are almost exactly the same as the ones taken three years ago on his first day of preschool, but he's swapped out the Thomas backpack and lunchbox for camoflage, and appears to have grown several feet!
Here is Cameron on his first school bus ride! I was a bit apprehensive about the bus, but Cameron really wanted to ride. (And, I figure it will have its advantages once the baby's here.) However, we (well, I) did have a little drama this morning! After the bus came for Cameron, I drove up to school to meet him at his classroom for a "goodbye" activity in his classroom and the "Boo Hoo Breakfast" put on by the PTA. A teacher meets all the kindergarteners at the bus and brings them up to the kindergarten playground. Well, somehow Cameron and another little boy didn't get picked up by the kindergarten teacher on duty and when I arrived he was nowhere to be found! It turns that out he had followed the bigger kids onto their playground without being noticed. (Probably because he is about as tall as a 2nd grader!) He was completely unfazed, but I was in a panic and his teacher was mortified by the mix-up! Needless-to-say, the teachers will be on specific lookout for him tomorrow, and Cody or I will follow him up to school for the next few days to make sure that he gets where he is supposed to be!
And he's home! Safe and sound and on the correct bus . . .whew! (AND, he seems to have had a wonderful day!)